October 2009

Well, half a year without updating - good times. Not a lot has happened, so I won't update with any of that nonsense.

Wednesday 29 October 2008

Conundrum, thy name is BAND

My friends and I play in a band, nothing terribly serious, but we have fun and we wouldn't mind taking it a bit further, maybe get a demo cd out sometime, not really sure how far this thing could go or how far we're willing to allow it to go, if that makes any sort of sense.

At the moment, we individually have several ideas for songs, some riffs and melodies, but as a band we only have one or two of our own songs down, as well as some covers, which is a bit ppor, but we're getting on that soon. Mostly, our problems arise from the lack of drummer or singer - we might be getting a drummer soon, but as for singing we're all just taking it in turns singing what we want to and writing what we want.

We have two shredding lead guitarists (seriously, they can shred amongst the best) who are both willing to play rhythm behind a solo, and we have a basist too, and I play keyboard and keytar, so I supply the synth, but herein lies my dillema - I am getting my parents to bring down to my uni house my guitar as well, as I'm not too bad at it and I enjoy strumming and hammering out some hard chords too. So I'm thinking I might play some rhythm guitar too, but I don't know whether to do that or to stick solely with my keyboards, or a mix of both as each song demands.

At the moment, it seems like I'm not a terribly integral part of the band process, but that may be because I'm not that good with my keyboarding other than some fancy chords and effects for dramatic effect - I can not solo well on either my guitar or keyboard, which is why I think I might have to chop and change between keyboard and rhythm guitar.

GARGH, it's a conundrum, and I'm not overall sure what to do. Still, I'm happy to be in something like this with possibilities of it actually going somewhere further than just dicking around in our uni house. First of all, however, we need to finalise what sort of music we want to play - at the moment we play anything from power metal to speed metal to old school rock to stupid pisstake rock - which shall hopefully give us a general direction and guidance of what to write, and what I should play in this band. We also need to finalise a name, as the name we have at the moment doesn't seem to be sticking terribly well, so I think it'll be changed.

Anywho, we'll see where this goes. If the drummer fancies sticking around after practicing with us, then we might end up booking some practice rooms and actually getting some writing done.