October 2009

Well, half a year without updating - good times. Not a lot has happened, so I won't update with any of that nonsense.

Monday 16 March 2009

O Brother, Cheers For Visiting

My brother came down over the weekend, which was pretty cool - he's been promising to come and visit me for a year and half, or basically ever since I started uni, and he's finally done it. Being 22 and out of uni - for a year at least, he's going back in September - he wanted to be shown a good night out in Brighton, so we took him out and crawled a few bars, ending up at a seriously heavy-metal club night called "This Is Noise".

I personally couldn't agree more, but while some of it was stuff I didn't know or particularly like, there was plenty of noise that pandered to my eclectic tastes. Overall, he said it was a good night because he couldn't remember getting home, and since we were all in pretty much the same state, 'twas a good night had by all. Now I've got to visit him down in Portsmouth, since I still haven't in the three and a bit years he's been there. Ah well, one step at a time.

Expect something new from Plinky soon enough, they've been chundering up some interesting questions over the weekend that should prove at least a bit fun to answer.

Saturday 14 March 2009

Animal Matchup - Bear vs Shark

So, which would win between a bear and a shark? Plinky asked me this, and a number of further questions popped into my busy little head - what turf would they be fighting on? What kind of bear? What kind of shark? How the hell would such a fight get started?

So, let's go through these in a steady, methodological manner. Firstly, the issue of where they would be fighting. Of course, a bear would have the upper hand - or paw - on land, and I'm pretty sure a shark would be more adept in the water, so let's make this fight happen in some sort of environment where both are at their peak- which would probably have to be in some sort of virtual environment where both can survive and move with the greatest of ease.

Now let's look at what type of bear or shark we would have fighting - in my opinion, the clear choice would be a hulking great grizzly versus a great white bastard, as this would give us an epic fight of two titans of the animal kingdom. Since we've got that sorted, lets focus on method of attack, and how the two animals hunt and/or fight. Please bear in mind that what I've learned here I've gleaned from documentaries, some of which I haven't seen for a while, so my information might be off.

From what I know, bears tend to stand up and paw at the enemies, or just in general try and swipe and bite and claw their way through any unfortunate bastard that gets in their way. The great white, however, launches itself at the target from a distance, building up speed for one huge slamming chomp that completely incapacitates and generally dicks the poor son of a bitch.

Looking at these facts, it seems to me that the shark would have something of an advantage in its tactics, because unless the bear can get in a good clean swipe in the few moments before it gets conclusively chomped and mullered, it doens't stand a very good chance. So, there's my opinion - in a fight between a bear and shark, where the odds are stacked relatively evenly, the shark would come out on top.

Friday 13 March 2009

The Wonders of Plinky

So, in an effort to put something up here that might get noticed, read, laughed at, and most importantly my ego stroked, I've taken to the blogger.com-suggested Plinky, a wonderful site that gives you things to write about daily. Naturally, some of these suck, so I'll be using the more interesting things here, or making them up myself. The problem is I have some trouble figuring out what to write about, and Plinky negates all thinking ability by coming up with subjects for me. Thus I can be laze in body and (finally) in mind.
Also, I'm putting a stop to those status images - I can't be arsed to make a new one every time, and putting them into my posts is annoying, because moving a picture around a bit of text with a laptop touchpad is harder than it's worth, and I'll be buggered if I'm going to attach my mouse every time I need to shift an image.

And thus, you realise how lazy I am.

Anyway, onto the subject for today, which I have chosen from the Plinky archives - name three songs that are overplayed but you love them anyway. This is fairly hard, because I haven't listened to the radio properly for a good few years, so I'll have to draw on some of my old - and very old - knowledge of popular music.

The first one to slither into my mind is Nickelback's "Rockstar", an up-beat tune that's simple enough to learn and easy enough to sing without having to either consult a dictionary or resort to sign language for the rest of the night. Something about this song makes it so accessible to me, and I'm not entirely sure what it is.
Maybe it's the easy-going nature, the tempo isn't too fast, and it's the musical equivalent of going to the pub and having a couple of drinks with some of your more relaxed mates. It could possibly be the song's content, exalting and saluting all of the wild excesses that the super-rich indulge in while at the same time satirising them in a way that makes them seem to superficial, except if we were to have them. A bathroom I could play baseball in? Hell, just give me a swimming pool with a shower attachment.

The second would have to be "Tribute" by Tenacious D. I am a fervent admirer of the work of Jack Black and Kyle Gass, and when they burst onto the music scene with this - following their TV show which I still haven't watched to this day - I was shock-and-awed by a barrage of musical, lyrical, comedic and acting genious in a way that I had never seen before.
Needless to say, I now know all the moves according to the music video, as well as both lyrical parts to that crazy vocal breakdown just before the devil busts out his epic guitar solo. There is nothing more satisfying than acting like a complete arse, singing inane lyrics at a volume that really shouldn't be allowed and air-guitaring, -drumming and -bassing every single section while everyone around you is either doing the same thing or is loving you for doing it, rather than stoning you with cacti. Thank you Tenacious D - you made it ok to rock out too much.

Thirdly, I'm going to put up a seriously old favourite - and if you don't know what it is, then you are obviously a mountain-dwelling cave troll devoid of ears or eyes, with no contact to anything anywhere. My final choice is "5, 6, 7, 8" by Steps. I know it's gaudy, I know it's obnoxious, I know it's painful, but I also know that everyone who was under 13 when it was released will know both the words and the moves. Even the guys. Now how many songs can you say have that kind of power, save the Macarena? Exactly.
It's a song that's just so sickly-sweet that it's impossible not to like - as we've grown, the song stays the same and reminds us of how we were, how we used to dance, and how we still haven't really grown up at heart. It's a song that, when put on, urges us out of our seats and onto that dance floor, urges us into lines and to assume the first position before engaging in a ritualistic line-dance that many deep-south dancers would be envious of. It's just a stupid, idiotic, ludicrously fun song, and I love it.