October 2009

Well, half a year without updating - good times. Not a lot has happened, so I won't update with any of that nonsense.

Thursday 18 September 2008

Suvarius' Movie of 2008 - Tropic Thunder

I saw Tropic Thunder tonight, and I have not laughed so loud or pissed myself so much in a cinema for a very long time - seriously, see this film - it is good for you and your life!

Filled with so many war film references and enough awesome actors to blow the roof off a concrete  shit-house, this film carries enough weight and laughs behind it to truly blow the minds of everyone and anyone who cares to watch it.

Bottom line, see this film for the following reasons:

• Robert Downey Jr playing a white man playing a black man

• Ben Stiller being an epic Hollywood Arnie equivalent

• Jack Black during the Saving Private Ryan part near the end of the film

• Tom Cruise saying some of the best lines ever written

• The sheer awesomeness of this film

• To see an entire cinema rolling on the floor and almost breaking out into spontaneous applause at several points in the film


See the film - enrich your life

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