October 2009

Well, half a year without updating - good times. Not a lot has happened, so I won't update with any of that nonsense.

Sunday 4 January 2009

Many Happy Returns

I suppose I should apologise for my absence from this blog for about a month - I know I should have said that I was going to be away for a while, that I wasn't going to post, but in all honesty I had far better things to do than get online and write in this. I can hear you gasping - a person who writes a blog and has a life? Surely not?! But yes, I do.

So, I've got a fair bit to say, a few blanks to fill in. Firstly, I came home for the holidays and it was pretty cool seeing my friends from back home. We went out, had fun, got drunk, all the usual stuff us youngsters do that gets us in the papers as drunken louts with knives in our pockets and murder in our hearts. Oooh yes, we're all after your money and your taxes. No, we don't have knives or murderous intent, and even though we're students or employed at minimum wage, we're not about to lynch you for funds. But really, it was great to see everyone again, and we had a blast.

Secondly, Christmas was cool - got quite a good haul, namely a surround sound system for my university room, which is going to be epic. I can thank my rents for that, and so I have and did. I got some other pretty cool stuff, like a "festival hamper" from my girlfriend's parents, and a slow cooker from my grandparents, so I can hopefully eat better this term at uni. We did all the usual stuff; the family meal, the quizzes, the general frivolity that we get through every year, and it was all good fun with the family. On Boxing Day we went down to the apartment my parents have bought down in Portsmouth with the family and had some more quizzes and general Portsmouth fun. We went up the Spinnaker Tower, and I managed to get myself on the glass floor at 100m up, which played havoc with my guts, legs and head. Christ.

For New Years I headed back down to Brighton to spend it with my friends in our house - I brought a couple of my mates from back home and Emily, my girlfriend, and the house was pretty packed with friends of housemates and us and others. Overall, it was messy, it was hectic, and it was great. We spent New Year's Day just wrapped up warm, lying down and watching DVDs - I think it's safe to say that I've started the year as I wish to carry on.

Finally, my birthday is coming up - it's on the 7th, if anyone is interesting, and no I probably won't be posting on here because I will have better things to do - and today my rents and I went out and got my birthday present - a 40" LCD HD ready TV, which is going in my room at uni. I've paid for most of it, but my rents gave me some money towards it as my birthday present. I opened a few of my presents today - most of the ones from other people, namely my brother (who gave me Semi Pro on DVD) and cash from everyone else, as well as a few little things from my rents that were all pirate related - which were awesome! I'll definitely be using them on the next Pirate Society outing.

Well, that's really it, I'm sorry there aren't any pictures in this blog, but I haven't really seen any that warrant putting up here because most of them are just of me and friends being drunk - nothing greatly interesting or funny enough to include. Still, I'll try and get back into this thing and post more, I guess it was just a holiday lull. Yeah, that's what I'll call it.

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