October 2009

Well, half a year without updating - good times. Not a lot has happened, so I won't update with any of that nonsense.

Monday 8 December 2008


So I decided to give my blog an overhaul and a complete redesign - which, thanks to Blogger, is exceptionally easy. In fact the hardest part was messing around with some of the coding, changing a few numbers and general stuff like that, but such trivialities are boring and inane. So I won't bother you with them.

Well, all you really have to do is look around and you'll see how pretty my blog is now! I mean it's now looking almost official, like a professional blog. Now bear in mind I did use the quantifier 'almost' there, so please don't start slamming me for being overzealous and too proud of a somewhat mediocre layout. I like it, I designed the new header and status icon (that's the thing in the top left of this post - they'll be a recurring thing in each of my posts) and the picture of me on the right. Lovely isn't it? Yes, yes it is.

Well, after looking around at some more influential, interesting and generally better blogs than mine, I've realised I need to get more pictures up. I also realised that my blog needs to be about something, but I can't ever single out one thing and stick to it, so I'm just keeping this blog about me and my random musings. But what ho! Is this a picture I spy below?

Take note Strongbow, these are your patrons - advertise with caution

Ok yes, that ruggedly handsome fellow is me. This was for a disco party at my university house, and I was one of The Village People - I was trying to be the biker, but I didn't have a leather flat-cap, so I just went full 80s glam-rock and busted out some of my old goth gear. The shades even had Elvis sideburns attached to them, that's how awesomely cool they were. The party, needless to say, was a roaring success, and almost all of the people who came dressed up, which was a turn for the better. We discoed (i don't know how to spell the verb of 'disco' - if you do, please let me know) up our kitchen with some funky disco lights, a lava lamp, a bubble lamp and a disco ball, so it looked amazing - all that was missing was the platform shoes and John Travolta.

We had the music as well, and what's more, we didn't even need to go out and buy it from anywhere - between my housemates and I, we had a good ten hours plus of old-school disco tracks, ranging from the classic "A Fifth of Beethoven" by Walter Murphy to A-ha's "Take On Me", and many many more! God, I sound like one of those terrible telemarketing ads for those hideously expensive 8-disc sets. Get me a bad wig and whiter-than-white teeth and we're on to something here. But no, the music was absolutely immense, and my three male housemates and I all danced to the YMCA as four of the members of The Village People.

We are not gay. Just thought I'd throw that in there.

Expect more fancy dress shots of me in the future, as I am a huge fan of stupid parties and the like involving crazed costumes, and I haven't put any other pictures of me at such shindigs up here yet. I really do hope you enjoy my new blog, because I know it will enjoy you. It will. Yes, really. With that I'll say that I'm going to try and update this thing more often, so stick around and feel free to comment on anything and everything you can and/or want to, and I'll try my damndest to comment back!


  1. Perhaps you should post the Divinity pictures- I think you had the best costume ever for that particular event!!
    Hows the yellow diet treating you?

  2. I think those will find their way on here - most of the costumes at that party were pretty awesome!
    The yellow diet's not going bad, haha :D Keeps me going at least. I also noticed that my Golden Nuggets are yellow, so that means I have yellow breakfast as well.

  3. Oh dear. Well, its only really bad when you start choosing what food to buy based on its colour I guess...
    There were some fabulous ones... The wobbly wing'd Thor springs to mind...
