October 2009

Well, half a year without updating - good times. Not a lot has happened, so I won't update with any of that nonsense.

Wednesday 3 December 2008

Advent-agious Situation

See what I did there? Bah.

So I can finally raid my advent calendar - I know I'm late by three days, but I can't be arsed to keep track of the date beyond what day of the week it is during the rest of the year, so forgive me if I'm a little slow noticing when December finally rolls round.

I've got a pretty bog-standard Simpsons calendar, like last year and the year before, and most years before that. I don't dislike it - hell, I'm actually still quite fond of the Simpsons despite the film's less than excellent suck-to-win ratio - it's just that the past two years I've gotten the exact same "surprise" gift in the 25th door, which kind of sucks. I mean firstly, it's a fridge magnet of all things - though thinking about it, it's better than the computer mouse t-shirt I got one year. I shit you not. No, really. But what narks me off is that this year they've not even given us two doors for the 25th, unlike every year previously - one for the slab of chocolate that inevitably displays "Merry Christmas", and another for the surprise gift. However, this year there is just one door - a single, ominous door that could yeild either a chocolate slab or a crappy gift. Not both. No "and" in that sentence, which bothers me.

I'm probably just being selfish, but I wouldn't mind having both. But if they do choose to skimp out on one of the two, I'd rather be left with the chocolate. Take note, advent companies. Which gets me thinking, is there a company that just makes advent calendars? And if so, what the hell do they do the rest of the year? Surely it can't take that long to design and create another line of calendars for the next year?

On a completely unrelated note, I've been suffering from insomnia recently. Well, that's not strictly true - it would be more accurate to say that I'm slowly becoming nocturnal. I don't feel tired before 6am, which leaves me with a choice - I can either just stick it out and go without sleep, meaning I attempt to catch up the next day (an option which I have chosen more than once), or I can just crash out and get my eight-to-ten hours, meaning I wake up at around 4pm having missed daylight due to it being winter and all. I'm slowly trying to reintroduce myself to the morning hours, but it's a slow process, what with me already being lazy as hell.

I've also been dreaming really vividly recently, and I mean really really clear, the kind of dream I can control what I'm doing but I don't know I'm dreaming. They're all good or great dreams as well, which just makes it better. Maybe that's why I want to sleep more - these dreams rock so much harder than the real world. Hmmm.

Anyway, time to have a healthy breakfast of chicken dippers and chips. It's all I bought this morning. Yum.

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