October 2009

Well, half a year without updating - good times. Not a lot has happened, so I won't update with any of that nonsense.

Tuesday 9 December 2008

Webfind 2 - The Condiment Gun

If you're a fan of ketchup, mustard, BBQ sauce, brown sauce or any other sauce to a dangerously addictive level, then you might well be interested in this crafty little weapon of mass dispensing. Man, I surprised even myself with that little quip. Not sure if it's a good surprise or not though. Hmmm.

Moving on, I'm sure we've all had the trouble of when you're coming down to the bottom of the bottle of ketchup or whatever and you're left with the dregs all roung the edge and on the bottom, which leaves you whacking and hitting the bottle in a vain attempt to garner all you can. Either that, or the bottle is full enough but the sauce is fervently unmoving, meaning you whack and hit the bottle as much as you can only to have it explode all over your food and yourself, meaning you look an absolute fool. Well the Condiment Gun aims to rid us of these problems, and in style.

No longer will you look the fool at BBQs - instead you can be the Sauce Slinger, a great marksman of unrivalled prowess, firing people's chosen dressing from across the garden with pinpoint accuracy. Or you could just cover people in sauce, resulting in a sticky, angry mess. Which would frankly be hilarious for all involved.

But a thought occurs - when was the last time you actually had to hit the bottom of a bottle to get sauce out of it? My bet is it's been a while, because thanks to a marvellous invention, the problems listed earlier have already been solved - malleable plastic. Yup, that's right, those plastic bottles have pretty much made the Condiment Gun a redundant idea, seeing as it solved the above problems quite a few years before it was even created.

This said, the Condiment Gun serves as nothing more than a cheap alternative to a water pistol that can fire thick, viscous, colourful fluid, and I don't think that's such a bad idea. So, cover everything in your house with white sheets and let rip! (Disclaimer: I do not condone this action unless you cover absolutely everything. In which case, go wild. Just don't blame me if something gets a new colour scheme)

I found the Condiment Gun at Gadgetshop

In other news nothing much is happening at the moment, just doing some reading for essays and the like. I head home this Sunday for the Christmas holidays, which will be good, but it means I have to clean my room before I'm picked up. And believe me, that's a fairly big job. The trouble is, it's so easy to get a room messy, especially with clothes as they can take up so much floor space. Ah well, I'll have to do that around my work. At some point. Probably soon. Maybe.

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