October 2009

Well, half a year without updating - good times. Not a lot has happened, so I won't update with any of that nonsense.

Tuesday 25 November 2008

Christmas is Officially Here

So I finally saw the Coco Cola Christmas advert for this year - and once again I am filled with child-like joy and happiness.

I am so glad that they've returned to the good old trucks and the "Holidays Are Coming" song, rather than that travesty that was aired last year. The Coca Cola adverts are an institution to themselves, and they are what make me feel Christmassy. I don't know why, but I've always felt that way ever since I was a child growing up watching the TV - whenever the Coke ad came on, I knew it was Christmas and I would start getting very, very excited.

And not a lot has changed. I am once again very, very excited, and I want to start buying presents now - which is a big deal for a student like me to want to actually spend money, and on other people no less (I kid, I'm not that much of a heartless bastard). Maybe it's because the adverts are always saturated with what we are told Christmas is all about - family, love, compassion, giving, presents, capitalism - I'll stop there. We all know what Christmas is about, but that seems to be fading into obscurity, especially as people age. I've only just realised that this year I regard Christmas far more as a time for family and giving than for the birth of Christ. Now I wasn't raised a strict Christian, or even given a vague religious upbringing, but I guess that shows where I'm going in life.

Anywho, big old Santa's coming, and he's bringing a big load of Coke in big red trucks. Long live TV.

Wednesday 19 November 2008

Webfind 1 - The Slanket

I was traipsing through the vast vestiges of the internet in an attempt to find a christmas present for my girlfriend when I stumbled across possibly the most amazing thing ever created by man - the slanket.

While it may have a crap name - it is, after all, an American item - those fellows from across that big old blue thing have managed to come up with a combination of a dressing gown and a blanket, or a blanket with sleeves. Hence the 'slanket' hybridisation there.
Looking like a strange kind of jedi cloak, it is the perfect thing for monging on the sofa or on your bed or even just collapsing spontaneously on the floor in a fit of comfort-induced writhing and sighing in contentment.

Believe me, there is nothing I would like more right now than a slanket, because the heating has broken in our house. Something has happened to the boiler, and we have to wait at least until Friday until it's fixed again. On the plus side, we're saving money by not paying for gas, which is good because we are poor, penniless students. I'm sitting here wearing my dressing gown as a kind of long, furry jacket just so I don't freeze permanently to my chair.

Well, all this aside, the slanket is a marvel of human achievement in the art of being lazy - but I'm still not getting my girlfriend one, since they're too expensive for a penniless student like me to buy at the moment. If you would like to look at the slanket, just google it and the main site will come up. They will be shipping to England soon, in about a month or so, just in time for the festive holidays.

I found the slanket at I Want One Of Those

In other news, there have been no new StickLife Chums comics from me because I've been lazy. No, i don't have an excuse beyond my own lethargic attitude towards my internet fame. Wo-betide I let my numerous web-fans down.

Sunday 16 November 2008

My Brainfarts Made Me Money

Yeah, my mates and I won some money in a pub quiz tonight - admittedly, we only came off one pound better each, but we got some drinks vouchers and the pride of finally winning this bloody thing.

We used to be quite good at the old pub quiz - we came in an actual podium position most weeks, came first a few times, won some crates of beer - but this new one is terrible. The quizmaster woman can barely pronounce words, such as "ochre" (pronounced as "Ok-ree"). And since when was the name of Billie Piper's new baby news? News according to HEAT magazine maybe, but to the rest of us, it's just plain boring rubbish that no one really cares about.

Well, we just give ourselves team names with obscure words in them to get our own back - this week we were "The Mighty Valmorphanizing Power Rangers". Beat that, Team America.

Fuck yeah.

Saturday 15 November 2008

Saving the World - Continued

Here is the comic I mentioned at the end of the last post. Enjoy my old games references :D

Friday 14 November 2008

Saving the World

Well, nothing terribly interesting to report again, but I did get tanked last night and busted some funky moves on the dance floor, as well as other bad disco phrases. Whoever said disco is dead lied - disco, like Chuck Norris, can never die.

And there's a point, where did all the Chuck Norris quotes come from? I mean I know he's a legend, and I love the stupid quotes, don't get me wrong, but just where did they originate? Was it some crazed fan who just started spouting nonsense about his idol? Or did Chuck himself start such rumours to gain popularity? Or so people would think it was ridiculous so that he could really keep his true powers secret? Hmmm...makes you think.

Hell, since I've started, I'm going to throw one down here for the hell of it - There was no ice age. Chuck Norris was just hot, so he turned the sun down.

Social Suicide
Yeah, I bought the new expansion pack for World of Warcraft: The Wrath of the Lich King. I am now fervently trying to level up enough so that I can appreciate the new features in all their glory. However, I am probably commiting social suicide by doing so, but in all honesty I don't care. I have friends and I know when to stop playing, so anyone who calls me a nerd can suck my balls. I'm a geek, not a nerd - I don't like Star Trek. Please get your insults right.

I've made a comic to commemorate my descent further into social awkwardness, but it won't upload now for some reason, so it's coming later.

Wednesday 12 November 2008


Dear lord, I've recently been made aware of an awesome online game, found here:

Super Obama World - a blatant and open rip off of Super Mario World, for those people dense enough to have not realised - is full of political propaganda. For instance, the little ladies pushing the clothes are worth 150,000, a hint towards the fact that the Republicans managed to spend $150,000 on clothes for Sarah Palin during her vice-presidential run. There's also a very long bridge to Nowhere, Alaska, which I just found hilarious.

Late News & Views
Oh dear lord, the election. My guess is that most people who read this saw at least part of it somewhere, somehow. I myself stayed up right until 4am when they announced that Barrack Obama had become the next president of the USA - or POTUS, so the BBC wittily put it. So now we have the first black POTUS ever. Not just in tens or hundreds of years, but ever. Which seems to be a pretty big deal - and I would agree. I'm glad I was there to watch it. But he's got a hell of a lot of work to undo the damage that a certain segway-dog-dropping-muffin-choking fiend did to the American reputation. I'm not concerned with what he did to the country, I'm concerned here with how everyone else (and quite a few Americans themselves) thinks of America. I think it's already got a bit cooler - Obama is cool, thanks to the internet and things akin to the above.

Anywho, let me know what you think. All this politics gets me confused enough, let alone thinking about the politics of other countries - so throw some views my way, I'll try and offer an effective response. Or satirise it, either or is good.

Quick Shout
Oh yeah, my mate Andy wanted to be mentioned in my next blog. Here you go, dude!

Tuesday 11 November 2008

Rave, R'n'B and Rant

It's shame these things can't be put up any bigger - if you're wondering what Simon is saying in the last panel, it's "Ugh, don't yell at me." Alternately, you could just click on it and see a larger view, but I know how lazy I can be, so I'm going to assume everyone else is as well and avoid hassle and confusion.

Rave On, My Friend
Went to a rave last night, and I had forgotten how much fun they can be - considering I mostly listen to rock and metal, and change in pace and style was great - nothing quite like jumping around the room like an idiot with hundreds of other people doing the same thing. Hang on, that sounds like rock gigs to me. Maybe it's not so strange I like both.

One thing I cannot stand is R'n'B - I just don't like it, and I'm not entirely sure why. It's probably an amalgamation of the toneless music which incorporate no style or skill whatsoever, the monotonous lyrics with no change in pitch or aggression, and the entire thing is wrapped in either a "pop a cap in your ass because I'm street" or a "bitch-slap you with my ring finger because I'm a rich pimp" attitude. And then you get the white boys trying to be as black as they can be, which really pisses me off no end. I'm not saying that white people and black people shouldn't be the same, but wiggers really piss me off because they just look and act like absolute tits.
Bottom line - you're not from the ghetto, you're from a middle-class suburb. Stop being a twat.

Monday 10 November 2008

StickLife Chums Is GO!

StickLife Chums, AWAY!
Well, this is the first in a new line of comics - StickLife Chums. I used to do a comic series called StickLife Comics, but that dried up quicker than an old gooch in the desert. Recently, however, I've found out that my friends and I say stupid things all the time, and most of them we've written down on facebook and the like - which prompted this series. It features my friends and I saying and doing stupid stuff that has actually happened. No fiction, just idiocy.

Life in General
Overall, life seems to be going well at the moment - uni is going well, the band is not practicing, as ever, and life in the house seems overall content and enjoyable. I'm sure I'll end up posting something here at sometime about how terrible things are turning out, but for now I'll hold out for the best.