October 2009

Well, half a year without updating - good times. Not a lot has happened, so I won't update with any of that nonsense.

Wednesday 12 November 2008


Dear lord, I've recently been made aware of an awesome online game, found here:

Super Obama World - a blatant and open rip off of Super Mario World, for those people dense enough to have not realised - is full of political propaganda. For instance, the little ladies pushing the clothes are worth 150,000, a hint towards the fact that the Republicans managed to spend $150,000 on clothes for Sarah Palin during her vice-presidential run. There's also a very long bridge to Nowhere, Alaska, which I just found hilarious.

Late News & Views
Oh dear lord, the election. My guess is that most people who read this saw at least part of it somewhere, somehow. I myself stayed up right until 4am when they announced that Barrack Obama had become the next president of the USA - or POTUS, so the BBC wittily put it. So now we have the first black POTUS ever. Not just in tens or hundreds of years, but ever. Which seems to be a pretty big deal - and I would agree. I'm glad I was there to watch it. But he's got a hell of a lot of work to undo the damage that a certain segway-dog-dropping-muffin-choking fiend did to the American reputation. I'm not concerned with what he did to the country, I'm concerned here with how everyone else (and quite a few Americans themselves) thinks of America. I think it's already got a bit cooler - Obama is cool, thanks to the internet and things akin to the above.

Anywho, let me know what you think. All this politics gets me confused enough, let alone thinking about the politics of other countries - so throw some views my way, I'll try and offer an effective response. Or satirise it, either or is good.

Quick Shout
Oh yeah, my mate Andy wanted to be mentioned in my next blog. Here you go, dude!

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