October 2009

Well, half a year without updating - good times. Not a lot has happened, so I won't update with any of that nonsense.

Tuesday 11 November 2008

Rave, R'n'B and Rant

It's shame these things can't be put up any bigger - if you're wondering what Simon is saying in the last panel, it's "Ugh, don't yell at me." Alternately, you could just click on it and see a larger view, but I know how lazy I can be, so I'm going to assume everyone else is as well and avoid hassle and confusion.

Rave On, My Friend
Went to a rave last night, and I had forgotten how much fun they can be - considering I mostly listen to rock and metal, and change in pace and style was great - nothing quite like jumping around the room like an idiot with hundreds of other people doing the same thing. Hang on, that sounds like rock gigs to me. Maybe it's not so strange I like both.

One thing I cannot stand is R'n'B - I just don't like it, and I'm not entirely sure why. It's probably an amalgamation of the toneless music which incorporate no style or skill whatsoever, the monotonous lyrics with no change in pitch or aggression, and the entire thing is wrapped in either a "pop a cap in your ass because I'm street" or a "bitch-slap you with my ring finger because I'm a rich pimp" attitude. And then you get the white boys trying to be as black as they can be, which really pisses me off no end. I'm not saying that white people and black people shouldn't be the same, but wiggers really piss me off because they just look and act like absolute tits.
Bottom line - you're not from the ghetto, you're from a middle-class suburb. Stop being a twat.

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