October 2009

Well, half a year without updating - good times. Not a lot has happened, so I won't update with any of that nonsense.

Monday 10 November 2008

StickLife Chums Is GO!

StickLife Chums, AWAY!
Well, this is the first in a new line of comics - StickLife Chums. I used to do a comic series called StickLife Comics, but that dried up quicker than an old gooch in the desert. Recently, however, I've found out that my friends and I say stupid things all the time, and most of them we've written down on facebook and the like - which prompted this series. It features my friends and I saying and doing stupid stuff that has actually happened. No fiction, just idiocy.

Life in General
Overall, life seems to be going well at the moment - uni is going well, the band is not practicing, as ever, and life in the house seems overall content and enjoyable. I'm sure I'll end up posting something here at sometime about how terrible things are turning out, but for now I'll hold out for the best.

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