October 2009

Well, half a year without updating - good times. Not a lot has happened, so I won't update with any of that nonsense.

Wednesday 19 November 2008

Webfind 1 - The Slanket

I was traipsing through the vast vestiges of the internet in an attempt to find a christmas present for my girlfriend when I stumbled across possibly the most amazing thing ever created by man - the slanket.

While it may have a crap name - it is, after all, an American item - those fellows from across that big old blue thing have managed to come up with a combination of a dressing gown and a blanket, or a blanket with sleeves. Hence the 'slanket' hybridisation there.
Looking like a strange kind of jedi cloak, it is the perfect thing for monging on the sofa or on your bed or even just collapsing spontaneously on the floor in a fit of comfort-induced writhing and sighing in contentment.

Believe me, there is nothing I would like more right now than a slanket, because the heating has broken in our house. Something has happened to the boiler, and we have to wait at least until Friday until it's fixed again. On the plus side, we're saving money by not paying for gas, which is good because we are poor, penniless students. I'm sitting here wearing my dressing gown as a kind of long, furry jacket just so I don't freeze permanently to my chair.

Well, all this aside, the slanket is a marvel of human achievement in the art of being lazy - but I'm still not getting my girlfriend one, since they're too expensive for a penniless student like me to buy at the moment. If you would like to look at the slanket, just google it and the main site will come up. They will be shipping to England soon, in about a month or so, just in time for the festive holidays.

I found the slanket at I Want One Of Those

In other news, there have been no new StickLife Chums comics from me because I've been lazy. No, i don't have an excuse beyond my own lethargic attitude towards my internet fame. Wo-betide I let my numerous web-fans down.

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